After listening to what Quick Money Recorder users had to say, we found out that some of them didn’t know about the budget feature. You should already know that QMR is great to record the money you spend and categorize it in categories. Now the second step for your financial health is to create a budget. We will explain how to do this in QMR.
Where do I enter the total budget amount?
Launch Quick Money Recorder and go into “Settings” and select the “Totals/Record Settings”section.
On the next screen, select “Balance and Budget”.
OK done but what changed?
How do I know which amount to set?
That’s the $10000 question… A budget is a very personal matter and you need to perform a wallet audit before you can decide of how you wish to spend your money. We wrote this blog post to guide you. In the meantime we wish you happy money tracking and budgeting!